Thursday 29 November 2012

A Scary Experience

I was asked to correct a student’s work titled 'A Scary Experience'. That was the first time for me to correct a student’s work. It was my scary experience too.  :)

For me, I will give this essay six out of ten. I use written comment to let the student knows his /her mistakes. The setting of the story was clear. The main problem is this essay was written in present tense; we should use past tense in narrative essay. Next, there is punctuation problem in this essay. I found out that there were a lot of commas in one paragraph. He/she should start a new sentence instead of joining all phrases together.

To overcome the punctuation problem, I will create a worksheet to let students to correct the run-on sentence. For example:

Question: I need to write down your email address otherwise I will never remember it
Answer: I need to write down your email address. Otherwise, I will never remember it.


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