Thursday 6 December 2012

Assessing Student's Essay

I was marking on another essay with Leanza this time. We both agreed that we will give this essay 7 out of 20. I know it was cruel but I cannot help myself from not giving this mark. Although the setting and the storyline of this essay was clear, yet, mechanical errors cause serious disruption in communication. 

The student is facing problem to use the correct irregular verbs. For example, he/she wrote “feeled” instead of “felt”.  Then, the student did not use base form after the word “can’t”. The student is also having difficulties in capitalisation. He/she did not use capital letter for names.

By assessing this student's essay, I know how to comment on students’ writing:
  •  Begin by making positive comments.
  •  Remember that students' egos are very fragile.
  •  Don't mark errors or make comments in red.
  • Ask questions to help students revise and improve.
  •  Criticize "this paper," not "you".
  •  Respond as a reader, not as a writer.
  •  Be specific.
  • Limit your comments; do not try to cover everything.

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