Sunday 13 October 2013

Week 3: Materials Evaluation Reflection

In my opinion, the main reason for introducing social interaction from the general scope of CLT is because the communicative curriculum can be used to reflect the learners’ needs and engage them to take part in communicative interaction in classroom.

In such an instructional environment, I realize that teacher has the role as a facilitator throughout the discussions among learners. Teacher should avoids the authentic interaction with the learners to make sure there is a learner-centered setting in classroom. As a pre-service teacher, I should implement the CLT curriculum innovation in school with the belief of in-class interaction will produce good and positive learning results. I also believe that learners as a group of independent communicators share the same responsibility of the learning that takes place through interaction from the perspective of CLT.

Since the teacher is a facilitator of the communicative process in the classroom, he or she has to plan lessons according to learners' needs, guide learners during the communication process and also organize the classroom as a setting for communicative activities to make sure communication or communicative activities occur in the classroom.

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