Wednesday 23 October 2013

Week 4 & 5: Materials Evaluation Sharing Reflection

Throughout the process to understand the analysis of language teaching materials by Andrew Littlejohn, I found out that is not easy to digest the article. But, after read it again and again and also with the helps by my group members, I managed to understand the article.

In today’s classrooms, textbooks or play a very important role in the territory of language teaching and learning. Textbooks are considered to be the next crucial factor in the second language classroom after teachers. Selecting a proper textbook for a class may be one of the most important and difficult tasks for teachers, especially pre-service teachers. Fortunately, students in Malaysia are using the same textbook which published and approved by Ministry of Education. 

I have to admit that, before read this article, I never thought that teachers need to evaluate the textbook since learners are given the same textbook; the one and only which approved and published by Ministry of Education. I have limit knowledge and not alert on materials evaluation. 

I realised that an analysis of teaching materials can provides a deep understanding of the process of learning. Littlejohn’s detailed analysis can provides teachers especially pre-service teacher like me some remarkable insights of what is involved in teaching and learning process in classroom. This helps to develop teachers’ professional in language teaching.

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